Tag: lolparpitandolbarnoticoalition


Lolparpit the Lion; A Legend of Masai Mara

Posted By : Essenia Safaris/ 1484 0

“Death was afraid of him because he had the heart of a Lion”.

These were the words that came to mind when I finally learnt of the death of Lorparpit, (Olorparpit), one of the two dominant males leading the Enkoyanai Pride in Masai Mara National Reserve.

Photos of Lolparpit seemingly overwhelmed by life and on his death bed emerged around 13th September 2020. When one of our guides shared the photos, i thought it would be a matter of days before the sun finally set on the King. He was old, injured, thin, starving, and could not move, just lying down- motionless. Little did we know that this warrior who knew nothing but battling and conquering ever since he took over the Enkoyanai Pride would still fight to live for another 60 odd days. Death surely seemed afraid of him.

Lolparpit (means hairy and fiery one in Masai language) finally bowed down to life and breathed his last due to old age on 18th November 2020. Sad as it is, it is encouraging to know that he died of natural causes, in his own territory (Double Cross) between the main reserve and the Olare Motorogi Conservancy border.

Even at the time of his death, Olbarnoti – his brother with whom they had formed a formidable duo coalition and the rest of the pride were still nearby. Lolparpit is believed to have been born early in 2005 so he died aged almost 16 years, arguably the longest a Lion can survive the tough, ruthless and harsh conditions in the untamed African wilderness.

Always the ladies’ favorite due to his heavier and darker mane, Lolparpit is a father to many Lionesses and Lions around the Masai Mara, including the famous 6 Pack. In the Lion Kingdom, it is the ladies that choose their mating partner, the future father to her children and Lolparpit’s strong genes made him an easy choice over his equally strong brother. During the years when Lolparpit and Olbarnoti were at different times in charge of the Enkoyanai, Moniko, Iseketa and Oldikdik pride, they sired many cubs which they also protected up to independence, something which is not achieved by many. This is the offspring which will now continue his legacy.

Lolparpit was so revered and feared by other Lions in the vast Masai Mara Reserve, that even at his old age, no Lion could dare cross into the territory that he jealously guarded and protected together with his equally old but majestic Olbarnoti-  his coalition partner and blood brother.

They survived hard times, notably the drought which ravaged Masai Mara in 2009, leaving many animals- both predator and prey dead and the many fights they got into while jealously protecting their territory.

It is during one of Lolparpit’s escapades, inspired by the desire to conquer more prides and expand his territory that he suffered an injury that would stay with him until his death. Sometime in 2007, the aging Lolparpit together with Olbarnoti made a daring attempt at taking over the Fig Tree Pride which had the younger and enthusiastic duo Kaka and Maridadi as the men in charge. Knowing fully well that going into a full-blown war might leave them maimed, sometimes for life, Lions will more often prefer to use intimidation as a tactic to dethrone their rivals, rather than a physical encounter. However, Lolparpit’s overzealousness spurred him into going claw for claw, roar for roar, bite for bite even as they exchanged heavy blows of their sledge hammer paws. Lolparpit may have won the battle, but he lost the war, a war that left him with an injury to one of his hind legs. This injury which turned out to be permanent was the beginning of his downfall. With Lolparpit now being weaker, it was now his turn to half-heartedly relinquish his power and leadership of the pride to Olbarnoti, his brother.  However, the safety of numbers in his pride kept him fully protected and fed, as Olbarnoti, the Lionesses, sub adults and cubs of the pride always stayed close to Lolparpit until his death.

Needless to say, the coalition duo of Lolparpit and Olbarnoti together with the Musketeers Coalition comprising of Scar Face, Morani, Hunter and Sikio are Masai Mara’s most famous, most followed most successful and most photographed Lion coalitions that thousands of tourists from across the world have visited Masai Mara over the years and spent several days to witness.


We believe that he leaves a legacy in the Lion Kingdom, a legacy that will stand out for years to come.

Mufasa: “A king’s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king”.


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